Aug 27, 2019

Let’s be honest- every couple planning their wedding hopes it goes off without a hitch, but the reality is that life isn’t perfect and it’s possible your wedding day won’t be, either. Statistically speaking, it’s likely that there will be THREE things to go wrong at some point throughout the day. We’ve all heard the horror stories of vendors not showing up, or maid of honor becoming the maid of dishonor at some point during the ceremony, or any number of huge, embarrassing catastrophes. I’m not really talking about THOSE things- they're pretty rare. I’m talking about little things, like chipping a nail (on your ring hand, of course), or a zit making an appearance the morning of the wedding- little things that might be annoying or inconvenient, but they’re a far cry from ruining the day.  


The important thing to do when something isn’t quite right is to keep it all in perspective. Whether it’s raining during the time you planned your outdoor photos, or the florist made your bouquets with blue hydrangeas instead of white, or the pianist arrived wearing a toupee that didn’t exactly match the hair he had remaining (this one’s a true story!), at the end of the day, the MOST important thing is that you are married to your best friend. If that’s the case, then the wrong appetizers, or a DJ mispronouncing your name, or white linens on the tables instead of ivory will all seem insignificant.  


I’m not saying the details of your wedding are insignificant- couples put a lot of time, energy and money into planning a really special day, so it can be disappointing and upsetting when things aren’t what you expected. My point is just that if it’s something that can’t be fixed, your best option is to shrug it off and keep it in perspective.  


That’s not to say you shouldn’t be prepared. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the “Wedding Day Emergency Kit.” It’s crucial. Whether you purchase a pre-made kit or customize your own, I guarantee at some point in the day, it will be put to use. Emergency kits include things like:  

  • Sewing kit (with thread to match the bridesmaid dresses and the groomsmens’ suits) 

  • Hairspray 

  • Safety pins  

  • Nail polish- clear and the color that matches your manicure 

  • Shout wipes or Tide-To-Go pens 

  • Mints 

  • Double-sided tape 

  • Band-aids 


At MD, we even sell “MINIMERGENCY KITS” that include most of the above items PLUS a set of spare wedding bands. Sounds crazy, but in the hectic frenzy of getting ready, it’s actually fairly common for the best man/maid of honor to forget the wedding bands they’ve been untrusted with. Crazy, right?  


If you have a good emergency kit, you’ll be prepared for most scenarios that can come up. Some of the most common issues involve stains and pulls on the wedding party’s attire. Spilled champagne, make-up, food stains, and more are common to find in the getting-ready process. Groomsmen are known to need a button sewn on at the last minute. A snag in the delicate fabric of a bridesmaid dress or wedding gown can seem devastating. Fortunately, we’ve made a video demonstrating how to resolve pretty much all of these issues. Take a look!  




Even the most prepared bride can encounter something unexpected, but our advice in that situation is to do your best to let it go and focus on all the other amazing things happening on that day. And maybe a week or a month or a year later, you’ll even be able to laugh about it! I know I can laugh about that awful toupee now!